Here is the best example of the Emails I Have received.
I was saddened to see such time and talent spent on attacking biking in Portland. I too have had some bad experiences with bikers, drivers, and homeless people in the parks. However, for the most part I find both bikers, drivers and most homeless folks to be on the whole good people. I find that indulging outrage and hate is no substitute for a significant contribution. Why not stand up for something you believe in rather than focusing on what you hate?
Of course you're free to hate me too if you choose,
Saddened Portlander
Man this letter made me laugh so hard I almost fell out of my seat.
So I will give you some insight in to how I’m thinking when I receive my countless emails like this. Stick with me to the end it gets better as we go.
(I was saddened to see such time and talent spent on attacking biking in Portland.)
This is a simple statement that my opposition to the church of bike orthodoxy as professed by the Bikenazi’s is making her sad. Not much I can say to that, statement of fact, this person is sad
Now instead of telling what specifically I am saying to make her sad or addressing an error in what I’m saying they go on to give their experience that is really not relevant to what I’m saying but lets ride along.
(I too have had some bad experiences with bikers, drivers, and homeless people in the parks)
What can you say to something like this, I don’t think I have ever addressed homeless people in my writings but ok lets play along maybe she has a point here.
(However, for the most part I find both bikers, drivers and most homeless folks to be on the whole good people.)
After the emotional plea of I’m sad, after the common experience the best I get is they are good people?
Well here is the news train pulling into your station…..You can be Wrong and a Good Person at the same time. I know this adult concept may be scary to a person who sees all opposition as evil but a person may be good, smart, rich, poor, family person, helpful and still be wrong.
I have to say that so far there is nothing of substance here other then I make her feel sad. Let’s home the next point has more juice to it.
I find that indulging outrage and hate is no substitute for a significant contribution.
Lets look back in history…hmmm better use the US history.
US 1859-61
Orthodoxy- Slavery
Outrage- Harpers Ferry: John Brown and 21 men size federal arsenal and hold out against the US until taken and executed.
Reaction- most people were saddened but the Anti-slavery factions were emboldened by this action.
Fast-forward a hundred years latter
Orthodoxy- Vietnam war
Outrage- Protestors against the war?
Reaction- Most Americans were more upset about the protestors then the war until far late in the SE Asian Struggle
Orthodoxy- Jim Crow laws
Outrage- Marches! Strikes!
Reaction- people lashed out at the reasonable demands of those wanting the vote. They didn’t want the boat rocked because they wanted to keep things going the way they were.
Orthodoxy- War in the Iraq
Outrage- Many protest and marches
Reaction- Well I was there and there was not a lot of people other then the protestors that were happy early on.
So yes I use outrage. By outrage you mean standing up. By outrage you mean challenging the myopic Orthodoxy of the Bikenazi religions that
All bikers = good
Anything limiting bikers = bad
Anyone holding them accountable for their law breaking = hate
That is an Orthodoxy that must be destroyed.
Now that bring me to the ending… are you ready?
Why not stand up for something you believe in rather than focusing on what you hate?
Again this is a chuckle. How close-minded is this person to believe that there is no way some one could look at the facts and not be a “TRUE BELIEVER” in the Orthodoxy of BIkenazis. Obviously this person is thinking that this is fueled by some secret hate engine that stems from a bad encounter with a bike… HAHAHAh
Well I ride a bike and my opposition is based in facts and observation. I know to most Americans the idea of using logic and reason and science and observation is seen as voodoo. Look at the responses to my observations.
I sit at Rose Quarter and count bikers so I have an accurate number
People make fun of the fact that I have two hours to sit around and make observations. OHHHHH yes Observations and actually numbers are scary to this scientifically stunted. Yes better to pull numbers out of my ass like most bikers do, better to use no observation. Should we ban the use of observation?
So to make sure this is not simply an anomalous response lets look at other reactions to when I said I would be on a bridge counting how many bikers have lights and how many did not. I was again attacked for wasting my time.
Yes that’s right why use observation and facts. In fact most of those responding already had a response for the failure of bikers in that observation before I even did it.
If I wanted to draw a comparison between the close minded conservative Christians who also don’t like observation. “Spend 2 months on an island in the pacific and Darwin thinks were monkeys” sort of people. I could also point out that Conservative Christians also have a response for any observation results like the big bang, Carbon dating by saying “god made it that way”
And now for the last full line.
(Of course you're free to hate me too if you choose)
Once again this person cannot fathom anything but the Orthodoxy so there is no way any human being can logically oppose the true belief. Their world only makes sense if it’s hate, hate makes sense to them.
The fact that you can oppose some one or that they can be wrong and I won’t hate does not occur to her at all. This is like Christians ending by saying “Well god believes in your” or my favorite “I will prey for you”
An them
Saddened Portlander)
You should be sad not because of anything I write but because you can’t use reason for 5 minutes in a row to see that the Orthodoxy of the Bikenazi’s will cost more lives, bread more hate and resentment of bikers.
People of outrage will always scare the Orthodoxy of the Bikenazis. They will always scare those who fear observation and facts. It will always scare those who already have an answer before all the data is collected. They will be scared because others are not drinking their close-minded kool aid.
Well that’s done and now it’s time to hit the garden.
Oh sorry I know you will want to demonize me so …lets see
Oh yes well that’s done its time to go beat the kids.